Queens Take Territories

While territories refer to areas and lands, in this #queenestherpreparation journey one territory you need to take over is the land of emotions.


The territory of emotions.

Your life is not categorised by emoticons, sweetheart.

Hope you got that?

Your life is not categorised by emoticons.

I am big on using emoticons while I text, however in this preparation stage I am mindful of the emotions I choose.

There’s is nothing more distracting than emotions that are haywire. It derails you and sets you off course. For instance, some chanced upon this #queenestherpreparation, and were ready to take this journey with me- yet suddenly, emotions of defeat and self pity may have risen high because the knight in shinning armour is not in sight; nor does it seem that the dreams of achieving their heart desires are near, so they slink back, allowing these emotions to take control, wondering to themselves, “Why prepare for something I cannot see?”

Queen Esther was no stranger to emotions. If you read the book of Esther, you can literally hear her whine as she spoke to Mordecai,

“… But as for me, I have not been called to come in to the king these 30 days.” (ESV Esther 4:11)

For 30 solid days Queen Esther had not set her eyes on her king! Clearly this had got her emotional, whining to Mordecai, using it as an excuse to not fulfil the call upon her life! She must have been thinking to herself, “I thought I was a queen and yet my husband hasn’t called for me… Am I a queen at all? Maybe I am not…”

These thoughts must have plagued her mind. Thank God she realised that it is the habit of a King/Queen to take over domains, to rule over territories. So, she rose to rule over her emotions. Setting aside the fact that she had not seen her king in 30 days, she arose to fulfil the call of God upon her life.

Emotions produce thoughts and these thoughts can wage war in your mind. Queen, be prepared to take over the territory of your emotions and thoughts with the word of God…

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. (NIV 2 Corin 10:5)

How well you handle your emotions can make or break your home. Take a look at this:

I’ll bet your king Ahasuerus won’t be too happy with this would he? So let’s say, you put your emotions in check and send instead;

Now, this certainly would have him wishing to get to you faster:

That said, be mindful of how you react to your emotions in this preparation period. As for the emotions, they will come, how well you take charge of it is what matters.

So today, set your face as a flint:

Because the sovereign Lord helps me, I will not be disgraced. Therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know I will not be put to shame (NIV Isaiah 50:7)

Setting your face as a flint means to keep focused and remain unmoved by whatever distracting emotions that may come.

Steer your emotions from defeat to victory, believing that you can achieve all things through Christ who strengthens you. Whether to make it as a billionaire or as a wife; take over your territories for that indeed is your right as a Queen.

Jesus loves you and I do too,

Queens in Christ,


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17 comments Add yours
  1. It’s so amazing how you show us to the fact that we can’t do this on our own; but with the word of God, which is fully Christ in itself!
    This piece is such a blessing Ann! Thank you for allowing Him to use you!
    Ready to take on this task???????????????? , with Christ in my vessel!

  2. It’s so amazing how you show us to the fact that we can’t do this on our own; but with the word of God, which is fully Christ in itself!
    This piece is such a blessing Ann! Thank you for allowing Him to use you!
    Bless you????????❤

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