Growing Through What You Go Through

“Father, I don’t know why this is here! Why am I going through this?.”


“Father, take me out of this…!”

Do you sense the frustration above? As compared to-

“Father… this is frustrating… but … I trust you.”

“Father, help me learn something valuable from what I am going through.”

“Father… this hurts… nonetheless, I- I trust you.”

Quite a contrast, isn’t it?

Somehow, there’s a sense of peace… a sense of REST in the second kind of prayer.

Often times we are met with things in our lives that frankly, make you want to yank your hair out. It feels like dirt;

There’s frustration, theres discomfort. There’s the fear of the unknown.

Whether you find yourself living where you do not wish to live or having a broken heart or suffering a miscarriage, it is almost impossible to believe that God has something to teach you even in that circumstance.

However, God has the ability to conduct a lesson in every situation.

He has the ability to build capacity in you, through everything you go through.

Queen Esther must have wondered why Haman had come against the Jews during her tenure as a Queen. She possibly had hoped to go through her rule without any drama and yet, here she was being presented with a situation to GO THROUGH.

Still, see the GROWTH process that occurred, “When this is done, I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish.” (Book of Esther 4:16 NIV)

See what her situation birthed! COURAGE!

Dear Queen, today with whatever it is you are going through, succumb to the growth process as Queen Esther did.




Hope you have been encouraged by this post.

Jesus Loves You and I do Too,

Queens In Christ Jesus,

Ann Manu.

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