Jesus’ Me-Time

Nancy moved up and down hurriedly with her new born baby.

She needed to warm the breast milk to the right temperature. After that she of course had to burp the baby; change the diaper when soiled and quickly do the ever piling laundry. After she would have to send a memo to her team at church and then later to her boss at her job on how to find that document that she had been working on before she left for her maternity leave. Yet this leave hasn’t really felt like a leave, has it? Oh, and she had to make dinner and do some quick tidying up before-

“You’re home.” Nancy said, finding her husband standing in the door way.

Seeing the look of distress on her face, he held up the packaged meal he had picked up on the way home and with a smile said, “Why not give me, Junior. I will take over. I will tidy up and co. Have your me-time.”


Nancy smiled, happy to move into a quiet space with her packaged meal and thoughts.


Perhaps like Nancy you have found yourself looking out for moments in which the fast paced aspects of your life will slow into a slower pace. Perhaps like Nancy, all you are searching for is just a few minutes to yourself- with your favourite meal, nonetheless and a chance to calm and speak peace to your mind which is always in overdrive.

It’s easy to worry if you are being selfish by wanting a few moments to yourself. Whether your friends are calling you for a night out in town or a zoom meeting with your friends or a minute away from your kids just to inhale and exhale, know that there is no one who understood this better than Jesus when you ask for some time alone.

“While it was still night, way before dawn, he got up and went out to a secluded spot and prayed. Simon and those with him went looking for him. They found him and said, “Everybody’s looking for you.” Mark 1:35 MSG

Jesus got up and went to a secluded spot away from everyone! He went to have some me-time!

But get this thing about Jesus’ me-time- he didn’t go doing anything that was going to make him none-the-wiser! He prayed! In other words, he invited God into his time alone!

Dear Queen, in your preparation journey towards whatever you are aiming for in life, you need to learn to have me-time moments with God. You may need a break from the dating scene or the job hunting scene which keeps proving futile to just have a moment with God-

When Jesus heard [that John the Baptist had been beheaded], he withdrew by boat privately to a solitary place.” (Matthew 14:13)

And I daresay he’s looking forward to being spending some alone time with you too!

Having me-time? Have it Jesus’ way and I daresay your crown of Glory with be brighter than that of Queen Esther.

Jesus Loves You and I do Too,

Queens in Christ,

Ann Manu????

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2 comments Add yours
  1. Love u too Ann.. surely me time done with Jesus will earn you peace of mind and satisfaction. Bless u!

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